Thursday, February 11, 2016

"Chick-fil-A makes me so happy!"

Today's crumb comes from an alert reader in Granger, Indiana. Thank you!

Six-year-old Caiden Lane of Free Home, GA, struggles to speak because of a rare disorder. His parents, Mashanda and Michael, were told he would likely never speak or walk, but they vowed to give him every opportunity to be as normal as possible. Not long ago, they took him with his older brother and sister to a Chick-fil-A restaurant in Canton, GA, where people dressed as "Star Wars" characters were entertaining diners. Caiden was thrilled, but soon Mashanda began crying and a Chick-fil-A associate rushed to the table to ask why. She was crying for joy because Caiden had just said his first complete sentence. He said, "Chick-fil-A makes me so happy!"

                                                                                                                       Courtesy of Chick-fil-A
Since then, Caiden has become a celebrity at the restaurant. The two Chick-fil-A's in Canton donated a portion of their sales for two days, totaling $2,500, to help the family pay for Caiden's special care, and the community is helping. To meet his parents and the store manager, watch

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