Sunday, July 29, 2018

How most people feel about school teachers

Kimberly Bermudez is a first-grade teacher from Chicago. She recently flew to Florida to see her parents, and the guy sitting next to her on the plane asked what she did for work. She told him how much she loves her she has lots of underprivileged kids, and how amazing their parents are. She said they even go hungry sometimes just so the kids can eat. She mentioned that many teachers dip into their own pockets to buy them stuff, like supplies and clothing..

That's when the guy sitting behind her tapped her on the shoulder. He apologized for eavesdropping, and handed her a stack of five $100 bills. He told her to "do something amazing" with it. After they landed, another guy across the aisle gave her $20, and another gave her $10. She said she is using the money to buy books, backpacks, and other stuff her students need. After she posted something about this on Facebook, other people got in touch to see if they could send in more supplies for her school.

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