Friday, April 14, 2017

Teenage boys perform heroic rescue

It happened this month in Cope Park in Juneau, Alaska. Riley John, 14, and Seth Garrin, 16, were wandering through the park when they saw 5-year-old Mason Varner tumble off a cliff into a frigid river below. He hit his head on a rock and was being carried away the current. "I was like, 'Oh my God, that's a really far drop,'" says Riley. As fast as he could, Riley jumped into the river and swam after Mason.

He grabbed Mason's water-soaked clothes and pulled him to a safer part of the river, and when he could no longer hold Mason, he passed him off to Seth, who ran the 5-year-old to paramedics.  The teens left before Mason's mother could thank them, but she later found them on social media and they were honored at their high school with a Governor's Citation.

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