Monday, July 13, 2020

"Start a new life."

Lily Ebert was a teenager when she and her family were taken to the Auschwitz Nazi concentration camp and left to die. Ever since she was liberated from that hell in 1945, she has kept a small token of kindness given to her by the American soldier who freed her. He gave her a German bank note, on which he wrote, "start a new life."

Now, 75 years later, Ebert showed the cherished bank note to her great-grandson. He shared the incredible story on Twitter, hoping to find the soldier. Replies started flooding in, and eventually led to Pvt. Hyman Schulman, an American Jewish soldier. He and his wife died in recent years, but Ebert will meet his children over ZOOM, which is just one more proof that time, change, and even death are no match for a powerful act of kindness.

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