Saturday, March 16, 2019

Purse lost, and found

A teenager who lost her purse at her Indiana high school in 1954 is finally getting it back, including a 65-year-old prom invitation she tucked inside.

As the Greater Clark County School system was preparing to demolish part of old Jefferson High recently, someone recovered a long-lost purse belonging to Martha Ina Ingham from behind a cabinet. The tiny time capsule several sweet mementos that Martha, now in her 80s, assumed were gone forever. There was a wallet with Martha's ID and Social Security card, photos, Juicy Fruit wrappers and newspaper clippings.

There was also a 1953-54 Jefferson High basketball schedule, a coral lipstick and a pin. Best of all, there was a note from an admirer asking Martha to the prom. "Dear Marty, I've heard that Paul has asked you to go to the prom with him. If he hasn't, I would like very much to take you. Love, Torchy" There's also another note from a boy named Carter. "Paul is an alright guy. But you'll never catch him. He runs to fast. Ha! Ha!" The school put this information on its Facebook page, asking anyone who knows Martha to be in touch. Maybe Carter or Torchy or Paul will reply.

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