Sunday, July 12, 2020

A crumb from Bloomington, Indiana

As reported by Emily Cox in the Herald-Times, Carmen Vertner is a 7-year-old incoming third grader who learned recently that some girls get made fun of because of their skin color, their hair, or a disability. Carmen had not had those experiences, but she soon asked her mom to make copies of a handwritten letter she wrote to parents, inviting them to send their little daughters to her very own workshop. She wrote in part, "Is your daughter not liking her for her? Like maybe she sees lots of white or brown girls and thinks, 'She is so pretty, and I am ugly.' Well, I can fix that. I can meet with your daughter and make her like her for her. So we will have a conference and a talk."

She called it "Confidently BeYOUthful, and was open to girls ages six through eight on June 30, and again virtually via ZOOM on July 14. "I hope they feel really good and learn to be more confident about themselves," said Carmen, "and they can just stick up for themselves."

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