Wednesday, January 30, 2019

The Three Wishes Project

Ruby Kate Chitsey is eleven years old and lives in Harrison, Arkansas. Last summer she accompanied her mom Amanda to work. Amanda helps dozens of patients at care facilities. While visiting a nursing home with her mom, Ruby noticed one resident staring sadly out a window, as a dog was walked away. She told Ruby she'd had the dog 12 years, and didn't know if she'd see it again because she could not afford to care for it on her own. This inspired Ruby to knock on the door of each patient's room and ask them for three wishes. Some residents simply wished for pants that fit, or a taste of fast food, or a visit to a water park to see families having fun.

Then Ruby launched her Three Wishes Project to raise money for patients' wishes. Her mom helped her set up a GoFundMe, and Amazon wish list for the project. Since these were created last November, Ruby's campaign has raised over $26,000, and the donations have helped buy patients clothing, hearing aids, shoes, pet food, and even a Quarter Pounder With Cheese. "A little child shall lead them."

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