Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Another police "incident"

Sharon Markle, of York County, Pennsylvania, suffers from arthritis in one knee and it's been bothering her lately. Even so, she was recent spotted on a very hot day trying to mow her lawn. She didn't think she was breaking any laws, so she was concerned when West York Borough Police Officer Bridgette Wilson pulled over to the curb by her house. The officer got out of her car and approached Sharon.

Officer Wilson told Sharon, "I'm taking over." Sharon asked, "Are you sure?" Wilson said, "Yeah, go sit down. Your face is flushed."  Then the officer mowed the lawn. Sharon said, "I've never had anybody really do anything like that for me -- just come in and take over. She's awesome." After the lawn was mowed, Sharon asked Wilson if she owed her anything. Wilson said, "just a smile," as she drove away.

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