Wednesday, April 20, 2016

How can we know "what hath God wrought?"

During the 1840s, Samuel Morse invented a system for transmitting messages by code over a wire laid between senders and receivers. It was called the Morse Code. To see if his invention worked, Morse sent the first message over an experimental line from Washington DC to Baltimore, Maryland, in May of 1844. Transmitted as a series of dots and dashes (or dits and dahs), it asked, "What hath God wrought?"  Here's the code used to send this message.
Years later, a busy telegraph office needed more operators. Those interested met at the office and waited to apply. Suddenly one man stood up, went to the receptionist and said, "I'll take the job." And he was hired! When others asked why he did this, he explained that while he was waiting he heard a Morse code message over the PA system that said, "The first person to hear and decipher this message has the job." Maybe his behavior can teach us a lesson! Perhaps if we really want to know "what hath God wrought," we need to listen closely, hear His message and decipher it correctly?

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